Not Filling
Performa Washer

Learn How To Fix A Not Filling Performa Washer

In this not filling Performa washer page you will find the videos that will show you the parts that you will need to check when your Performa washer is not filling. Make sure that you watch the videos a few times until you know how to check & replace the parts.

Water faucets

If the not filling Performa washer is not taking in cold or hot water, the first thing you need to make sure is that there is water coming from the faucets to the water valve.

Turn the water faucets off and remove the intake hoses. Put a towel on the floor to catch any water from the hoses.  Put the hoses inside of the washer tub and open the faucets. If cold and hot water flows good from the hoses, then you know that the water faucets are not the problem.

Water valve screens

The water valve screens are used to prevent sediment to enter the washer tub. Some times sediment and rust could prevent the water from entering the washer tub.

Water siphoning down the drain pipe

If the washer drain hose is lower than it supposed to be, the water could start siphoning down the drain pipe and the washer

The water valve

A bad water mixing valve could be the problem why the washer is not filling properly.

The water temperature switch

The water temperature switch is used to control the temperature coming to the inside of the washer tub. If this switch is bad the washer could stop filling properly.

The water level switch

This switch is used to control the amount of water that should be used according to the selected level. If this switch goes bad, it could prevent the washer from filling properly.

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